my mods are:
4-2 header
2 1/4" dp
advanced timing
custom throttle body widening
gutted cat
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Need a tune? Contact me, I offer Dyno, Street, Remote, E-Tunes and base maps. I work with Calum, Nistune, Nismotronic, AEM, Haltech, Crome, Hondata, E-Manage, TunerPro and can work in other programs as needed. I can also burn chips and ship them as needed. or PM
I'm only getting about 225 miles (mixed driving) on 10-11 gallons of premium gas. My NX is 100% stock. It pulls left and may have other contributing issues.
My last NX would get 275+ easy (mixed driving). It had 2.5'' exhaust and a Perrin cone filter. The most miles I ever got on a tank in that NX was 375, and I still had about 1/16 of the tank left. That was all highway and driving 85-100MPH most of the time. Not sure how that happened. That car loved highway driving.
this is averaging the same kind of driving each, some long distance, some stop-and-go. ran the tank to less than 1/16 tank (on the gauge) each fill up. filled to the same level every time.
Originally Posted by javcrodgz I got 350 highway miles DET/28r 3" turbo back!! usually just get 350 though
Originally Posted by kdubL I usually get around 320mi
how do u guys get such good mpgs?
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Need a tune? Contact me, I offer Dyno, Street, Remote, E-Tunes and base maps. I work with Calum, Nistune, Nismotronic, AEM, Haltech, Crome, Hondata, E-Manage, TunerPro and can work in other programs as needed. I can also burn chips and ship them as needed. or PM