awesome , I am imagining Datascan sort of functionality . It will be great to not have the gauges taking up screen space. in for sure.

will it connect to this existing plug?
just saw this at the botom ..
There are two datalog modes in the app. A Datalog display mode and a Record Video mode.
In Datalog mode you can choose different layouts to see the engine data. There are four layout which is customizable. You can record the logged data which is recorded in two format. A .tlg for playback mode, and .csv for easy analizing the data.
In Record Video mode you can record video while you record the logged data. The app just save the raw video file and log files, you need a software to overlay it. (RaceRender, Dashware...etc).
In the Open Log menu you can playback your recorded log files (.tlg).
It doesn't seem to support PLX wideband, yet..