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Thread: car vision, norristown PA

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2008-05-13 21:10:29
car vision, norristown PA
carvision.com biggest butt ****s ever. ill repost my great time with them here.

have you ever felt like people think to them selves "hey........this guy is a tool.......im going to treat him like garbage"

well that all ended for me today. i have been looking for a new car today and i found what i thought was my next car. i had a friend drive me all the way just west of philly to look at an 05 mazda. i had called 3 times over the past 5 days to make sure everything was good and to inform them i would be there around 12 on Tuesday.

we pulled on to the lot at 12:55 and found the mazda sitting up front and it was beautiful. everything i want in a car was sitting in front of me. this made me even more excited because i currently drive the biggest pile known to man. i just replaced my headliner, windshield, rear deck, drive belts, did an alignment, balanced tires, oil change. just to find that my wiper linkage has now broken and the window switch took a ****.

well we walk inside and find a sales man and say "hey, can you find they sales men who pulled the mazda up out front? im here for my test drive" i get a confused look from the guy and he says "ummmmm..............he is sitting over there but i think the car is sold." i respond "haha......you damn well better be joking, ill be out side smoking" after about an hour of being dicked around i lay into the sales men "telling" him i had made an appointment and been assured multiple times over the phone all was well and why the **** did he sell the car. this peaks the interest of the sales manager. he is not to pleased with my attitude so i lay into his ass. i dont let him get a word out for a solid 10 minutes blowing smoke in his face as im talking making a huge scene and all the other potential customers are watching and becoming rather worried. he says to me "what is your budget, i feel terrible and hope to find you another car, we could work out a price to fit you, please" i started laughing and said the only way he would see a penny of my money is if i dropped it. then i simply turned around and walked toward my buddy's car with the guy still talking......tossed my soda across the lot.....lit another cig.......and rolled out.

2008-05-13 21:18:14
That's car salesman for ya. They knew they would get it sold to someone that came in, but didn't want to wait around for you though.
2008-05-13 21:44:30
Damn Pete!!!

They should reimburse you gas money, schiats expensive to be driving long distances to be dikked around!

I had a G20 I wanted a year ago and sent the guy (forum member on g20.net) a $100 deposit on the car to hold it. He said okay. So, get ready to head up Saturday afternoon to NY!!! and my buddy says to me "call the guy to make sure he's there". I call the guy, tell him I'm on my way up and he says that he sold the car the day before, I should've gone up earlier in the week. WTF??

I'm just glad my buddy told me to call, cause that would NOT have been pretty. I got my deposit back finally after threatening to report to paypal.

GL Pete!!!
2008-05-16 03:59:48
Damn pete that blows.. I know of a g20 forsale and im sure he will hold it maybe even fill it up..lol
2008-05-16 18:09:30
you been trying to sell that thing forever now lol^^^
2008-05-16 23:51:56
Yeah i really havent been trying to hard cause its been good to me but ithink im trading it tommorow for a b13 from NJ.. Ill have some turbo parts forsale soon..
2008-05-27 21:15:52
hahahhhhhhhhahahaha haha

i bought my p11 there
I would have warned you, if I knew you were going there
2008-05-28 14:42:48
I looked at a black 2003 G35 sedan there back in summer of 2005 when I was shopping for my G. Luckily, I was in Philly nearby for business so Norristown wasn't too far out of the way.

They were relatively helpful at the time, but I've had experiences with much more attentive salespeople before. I guess they tend to be more apt to assist when the cars get more expensive = bigger commission. Anyway, I ended up making a return trip ready to buy the car (didn't buy it the first time because it was raining and I couldn't make a fair assessment of the body condition/accident history) on a sunny day. Eventually I saw that the entire right side of the car had been repainted and partially bondo'd. No way was I going to buy a vehicle with that kind of body work, and worse, it was a fresh paint job. It hadn't even been wet sanded, and there was all sorts of dirt beneath the paint.

The sales guy was so desperate to sell this car, he didn't understand that I wanted a car with a virgin body and kept lowering the price. Even if he gave me the car for 30% less, I still didn't want it and he was practically chasing me as I walked out the door. Turns out every car that I looked at there had some evidence of major body work (more than just a bumper respray, as virtually every decent dealer will do on used cars).

Just be wary of a used car dealer that has a body shop on site.
2008-05-28 15:05:23
well, pete got his new cute little car now. I guess everything worked out for him!
2008-05-28 15:08:26
What'd he get? Where's Pete and his pics?
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