I needed to purchase pigtails/plugs/connectors for B15/P11 transmission sensors for the reverse and neutral switches for my older harness. I have two brand new switches in the B15 transmission and I am in need of the pigtails/plugs/connectors.
Thankfully, @Doug Fab suggested a great solution!
Thank you @Keo for the pictures.
search tags: b15, harness, neutral, p11, pigtails, reverse, safety, sensors, switches, transmission, plugs, connectors, harness
Thankfully, @Doug Fab suggested a great solution!
Thank you @Keo for the pictures.
search tags: b15, harness, neutral, p11, pigtails, reverse, safety, sensors, switches, transmission, plugs, connectors, harness
Last edited by Kyle
on 2013-09-14
at 16-18-27.