Did have the gas lines backwards
Thanks for the reminder on the
@Sentraga. I had read about it before but forgot all about it when it came time to hook them up.
IT's alive... somewhat, sorta...
it will after sitting a bit turn over and start & got it going a few times but it was a lumpy mess then died... hard to explain really.
Advanced the timing as much as we could since it seemed retarded but it's still doing the same thing. A lumpy short run then die.
But if you keep trying it won't even do that anymore... just sounds like someone who has some loud walking farts.
Looked in the distributor cap & it did have some nest stuff in it, cleaned it out & inspected... it looks good.
Tried what you suggested Dala, but can't get the distributor to turn by hand
Ignition coil is good.
Does the distributor need to be grounded? Found a couple of metal tabs that something slides on to.