Thanks for all the help guys!
I have not been able to work on the car the past couple days, but I'm going to attack it tomorrow with a buddy.
Plan of attack:
- take car off stands and rock it back and forth in multiple gears
- ensure proper bolts have been removed
- I have a thin pry and a putty knife to ensure I can fit it in the small seam to attempt to pry
- if by this step I can't remove it I will throw in the towel, drink heavily, and call a rip, I mean shop to do the work.
Thankfully I have a buddy who can hook me up with a cheap tow, and a shop not too far to do the work for about $100. Not too much, but I have never been so frustrated with what I consider to be a basic consumable repair.
Again, thanks all. This place rocks!
@Bubs, the b14 and some g20s have a pointless y shaped bracket which literally covers the starter from view. Just removing that took some whiskey, thought, and cussing. I hope it's a bolt, though. Trying to be positive lol.
I will update thread when tomorrow when I am done!