Hey so I was a little bored the other day and decided to update my interior with the seats from a b14 200sx I bought recently for $200. I first started with the rear folding seat. Quit a simple swap over, everything bolts up except for the mount at the bottom of the backrest in the center that the two backrest's swivel on. Gonna fab the existing mount from the 200 and prob just weld it in place as there are no hole's for this to bolt too. The two hooks that the backrest lock into bolt up as the 94 gxe's had folding seats. The only thing I need to fab up besides the one bracket is some cover panels from where the wheel arch kinda pokes out. You can see in one of the pictures it's not quite covered by the seats.
As for the front seats I used the b13 rails swapped the backrest onto that and then I had to take the cushion off the seat pan off the b14 seat and attach it to the b13 seat pan for it to bolt up to the b13 rails. This is mostly the mach up phase but all in all coming together quite nicely. I've got the drivers seat all done and bolted up, still have to do the pass side.
Here are some pic's, Kinda crappy, cell phone and bad lighting

So there it is, Definatly a much nicer look and feel compared to what was in there. Car was originally a 1.6 base model.
Ohh does anyone know if the b14 seat belts will swap over? I'd like to use them as they are black!
Thanks for looking Dave
As for the front seats I used the b13 rails swapped the backrest onto that and then I had to take the cushion off the seat pan off the b14 seat and attach it to the b13 seat pan for it to bolt up to the b13 rails. This is mostly the mach up phase but all in all coming together quite nicely. I've got the drivers seat all done and bolted up, still have to do the pass side.
Here are some pic's, Kinda crappy, cell phone and bad lighting

So there it is, Definatly a much nicer look and feel compared to what was in there. Car was originally a 1.6 base model.
Ohh does anyone know if the b14 seat belts will swap over? I'd like to use them as they are black!
Thanks for looking Dave