Originally Posted by
OldHow are you measuring the gap? It should be measured by inserting a ring in the bore (no piston). Don't forget a little oil.
Hi, it's not the first time i rebuild an engine, not an nissan engine but ive build many honda engines, they have a general rules for building.
they are measure into cylinder of course.. i dont know if i wrote exact sizes since i use milimeters..well, first piston is bigger than oem specs. +0.32mm bigger, checked the used ring and is in oem specs: 0.23mm, this new (first) rings is 0.55mm. not sure if will works ok!
the second rings is +0.08mm, it's ok to me since difference isnt to big.
my question is if this engine will have any problem runing with first piston ring with 0.55mm or i have to talk with the shop who sold me pistons rings and ask for the correct ones.