well since money is no object (lmao) i will be changing both rod and main (obviously) bearings. Crank is coming out fully today. Ill have more pix of the other 3 caps. taking it to get polished and checked for straightness. when its back ima blast it with compressed air. I wont be doing anything to the block.
ive tried to find me a plastigage but I havent been successful. guess I wont be checking clearances. wish me luck.
re: turbo bearing. i hope it lasts a season. it was rebuilt before i installed it, so thats a little disappointing.
ive tried to find me a plastigage but I havent been successful. guess I wont be checking clearances. wish me luck.
re: turbo bearing. i hope it lasts a season. it was rebuilt before i installed it, so thats a little disappointing.