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Thread: Alternator Relocation

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2011-03-02 16:15:10
Alternator Relocation
Just wondering if anyone has ever relocated there alternator to where the P/S pump used to be? Thats is if you have taken the P/S pump out.
2011-03-02 16:19:50
2011-03-02 16:21:59
2011-03-02 16:28:13
the bad part is i dont have a aftermarket intake manifold. But thanks anyways
2011-03-02 16:37:01
like his idea that might be something i might look into.
2011-03-02 16:39:52
I've been told RWD or KA24 alternators might be easier to deal with for the mounting. Just get creative. =]
2011-03-02 16:43:33
damn and i just threw out a whole power steerin set up...i knew i shoulda kept it
2011-03-02 20:03:12
Rather that worry about the intake mani, you can find some plate steel and some pipe that is about the size of the long alt bolt. Cut both to fit, drill three holes, weld the pipe to the plate and you are set. Just test fit 100 times to make sure everything clears. You can find much more clearance this way and you won't have to hammer the frame rails.

There is a Subaru alt that is smaller that could give you some more space too.

Forgot to add you will need a spacer for the crank pulley to do this for certain motors
Last edited by jere on 2011-05-05 at 05-34-46.
2011-03-02 23:14:36
Im wanting to try this but I have to figure how to get the alt to put tension on the belt as I'm running the mezzerie w/p .
2011-03-02 23:51:11
is the purpose of this mod to free up space for turbo manifold or intercooler piping? or just general engine bay clean up? I would imagine anyone doing this would also have their A/C deleted, so maintenance would be easier with only one belt..
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