Since the ball and socket are both metal on the B&M(the ball is brass)thats where the rattle starts.Over time the ball will start to wear and get some play in it.I actually had one so old,that it moved up and down 1/16th of an inch

Originally Posted by
How is the build quality on the ebay ones? I've been considering it.. But I'm afraid it would bend or snap with harder driving.. LMK
I have tried almost every shortshifter out is my input.
-There are different types of"ebay knockoffs"
One is like the stock shifter,and you reuse your pivot,etc.They are real cheap and some are aluminum,some are steel.These are the ones I have heard about breaking off.However,I would thoinkn you would have to be abusing it or slam shifting to hurt one

-The other "ebay knockoff" is a damn good copy of the B&M/Fidanza style.It comes complete with the ball and socket,etc.The best way to tell the B&M from the knockoff id the shifter itself is chrome on the knockoff ,while the B&M is stainless(not shiny chrome)
-Pacesetter looks like a stock shifter,except chrome and has a threaded shaft with a nylon pivot ball to adjust the height and throw at the same time.
I am currently running a stock shifter with the ball moived up to shorten the throw,while the height is only slightly lower than stock.
I like this setup the best and it was FREE.