i tend to tangent, may end up a long read. the woman is in bed, nobody to vent to...i gotta take you back to july. i need "certain" things in order for inspection from a friend who MAY overlook some things that MAY normally fail, tires being one of them. so with my SHREDDED b14 wheels, i mount the two b13 wheels in the front that still have passible rubber. money being extremely tight, i patiently wait for a friend to hand me off a set of MINT slip offs from his tire shop. a few weeks ago i had the tires mounted. in going to swap wheels, i realize my driver side wheel bearing is done. oddly there werent any signs to make me aware. ok, fine. go buy the bearing and seals, take the knuckle off, bring it to my buddy...only to then determine the spindle was smoked! again, NO TELL TALE SIGNS leaidng up to that! no thumping, no vibration, NOTHING! luckily for me, i have my good ol chevy pu for a 2nd vehicle. so now with the car knuckless and up on jack stands, i rely on the chevy till i can make it the junkyard 2.5 weeks later and get a knuckle for $20. MINT! i dropped it and the parts at my buddys shop for him to press on monday and had it in my hands and back on my car tuesday night in preperation to attempt 12's the next night at the track. only i had forgotton in the down time and excitement, my clutch is slipping. oh well, good ol chevy gets me through the new england winter anyway. im cool now in the car because in the previous week my truck started making noise. it was today i determined it was torque converter realted. whatever, ive got the car till i now fix the truck, right? HA! insert: FML! tonight on the long ride home on the road less traveled with less than 100 miles on the new wheel bearing, IT decides to start giving me the tell tale signs ITS going bad!!! hit my buddy up who stands behind his work and the bearing went in 100% without a hitch, defective bearing. so now im left in a situation. drive the truck and possibly blow my tranny, or continue driving my car till i can bang it all out in a day and possibly smoke another spindle while continuing to drive it. LUCKILY, my buddy is the man and has keys to the shop. hes going to open up and meet me tomorrow on sunday to help a brotha out! its nice to have friends i can depend on! im going to straight throw the knuckle and maybe four more at one of the employees at the parts store tomorrow though!!! ill have the knuckle off in 30min and back on in the same amount of time. only downside i see in all this, i gotta drive the womans FU FU FU FORD to get the parts! LOL! stupid FORD! ahhh, i feel better. thanks guys :-) BOOST!