i know exactly how you feel.....PARTS GUYS SUCK! they always suck, and will continue to suck. they order the wrong parts allllllllllllllllllllllllll the time every day. then when you tear the car down after being told the part is in.....you go to retrive said part. me".............thats the wrong fucking part!" "thats what you told me to order ass hole!"
know it all wana be ass holes. /parts guy rant.
I guess you don't understand the business. I'm a parts guy. It's all about cataloging. When you have bad catalogs, people get the wrong parts. It has zero to do with the parts guy himself. We get bad information all the time, even from customers. They tell you its a 99, and it's a 2000, or they tell you its a 4cyl and its a 6. Some people dont even know what engine is in their car, or what year their car is!!! Shit happens dude. I've goofed a few times, but that's in two years. And remember, don't be rude....or you just might get the wrong part

Plus, we deal with morons all day long. Just two days ago i had a guy come in with a brake line, wanting to clamp a rubber hose onto it to repair it. He says "this is common practice in FL, where im from". I told him "well here in MA that's 100% illegal, and you're going to kill someone". I could go on and on with the stories, but whatever.
Anyways, moral of the story....there are way too many factors in the mix to blame the parts guy and only the parts guy.