Since the day I bought my Nx2000 it idles quite high when cold. 1500-1800 rpm is usual. When I warm up the engine, I need to really really warm it and I get somewhere close to base idle.
My mileage is really bad and of course I would like to get better mileage, but I post this question because my idle stays way too high with cold engine.
I replaced MAF, lambda, (second hand) but from a car that didnt have high idle.
I'm not sure what it could be or what to look for. Ignition is dead on and I also adjusted my idle screw in timing mode. The idle screw is all the way down.
I'm not aware of how the SR20 regulates its own idle or how it gets extra fuel when cold, the mileage is below 10km to the liter with very proper driving (1:22) and the sparkplugs look like lean burn.
Also the car is showing white smoke at idle and all the signs of bad fuel consumption, please help me out, I'm out of ideas and want to check everything on the car anyway.
My mileage is really bad and of course I would like to get better mileage, but I post this question because my idle stays way too high with cold engine.
I replaced MAF, lambda, (second hand) but from a car that didnt have high idle.
I'm not sure what it could be or what to look for. Ignition is dead on and I also adjusted my idle screw in timing mode. The idle screw is all the way down.
I'm not aware of how the SR20 regulates its own idle or how it gets extra fuel when cold, the mileage is below 10km to the liter with very proper driving (1:22) and the sparkplugs look like lean burn.
Also the car is showing white smoke at idle and all the signs of bad fuel consumption, please help me out, I'm out of ideas and want to check everything on the car anyway.