I pulled the valve cover off my '98 SE track car for the first time since new with just over 60K and it looked like that !! Basically like new ....all it takes is keeping that oil changed !! Mine is changed probably every 200 miles now ... every day at the track ...
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Auto Shop Northwest
'98 Sentra SE ..'09 Titan SE CC LB...'93 G20 12.06 @ 119 My Site ..
Here is what the differences look like (thanks Tokes )
I forget what exactly the differences are. But at least you can look at them.
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White 91 SE-R - For Sale. PM me.
#1 of 2 Midnight Road Magnets
Black&Tan 92 Miata
98% of teenagers do or have tried smoking pot. If you're one of the 2% who hasn't, copy & paste this into your signature.