I installed my VRS friday after work,,, HOLY CRAP it is very LOUD

It took a few hours to complete because of a few issues I ran into, one was the egr tube was hard to break loose(had to heat it up and soak it with blaster) but everything worked out ... I have an 18 inch res. with the Magnaflow muffler with 4 inch tip,,, but not cat for now! I'm going to put one on it next week in hopes to tone it down a bit..in place of the cat I just used a test pipe. I wanted to see what it would sound like.. LOL

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Don't get me wrong it sounds GREAT (very deep) ,, not high pitch here believe me!! however when I kick it everyone for 3 mi can hear it

I have some pic's but need to take better ones and I will post them next week after cat install.. but heres a few