It's the (inefficient) unequal length exhaust manifolds that makes the trademark Subaru sound.
BRZ doesn't have it. It has a proper manifold.
Even with equal length header, they still sound silly. Boxer is as boxer does.
@Vadim you know they use B13 Sentra in rallycross, snocross, icecross, whatever you want to call it and it beats out Subies fairly on the regular, right? I was going to buy some kind of vehicle that was either AWD or 4WD. Then I decided buying new tires is way cheaper so I went searching for tires there folks would utilize. My first choice was studded or non-studded. If your state uses salt, then I see little purpose to studs unless you want racing perks. Luckily since PA is the salt capital of the entire United States, I don't need a studded winter tire so I found what is the best non-studded winter tire, bought them, and changed my view on FWD in winter. Nokian Hakkapeliitta R2 FTMFW.
Some folks go to drastic measures and re-chassis themselves for a multitude of reasons which are all fine and personal. As long as folks are happy, that is what matters in the end.
To touch on what @wildmane said, Yes, AWD is a huge marketing craze that EVERYONE in this country buys into. I still haven't seen an AWD F1 race car since the last one made in the 80's by Williams. Not worth the penalties taken on for that particular purpose.
So now we're back to "I don't like the way it sounds " what's next? "I just don't agree with that lifestyle?" lol

for the record I do love the way a B13 handles in snow. B14 not as much.
Last edited by Benito Malito
on 2014-02-09
at 04-01-10.