Hmmm...where to comment?!?!?
The new Sentra (Sylphy) is nice from the front, nice from the rear and has the side profile of a big bag of dog shit!
I call it the mini-MaximaJetta, with a touch of FUGLY!
It was bound to happen to the Sentra as it goes up-market. As mentioned by Vadim, it is no longer the sub-compact in Nissan's line-up so it now has to have a more mature (boring) curb appeal. It is bigger, heavier (guaranteed to be over 3000 lbs) and less sporty. They may try and splash a touch of sport on it, they may even offer a somewhat fun turbo engine, but it appears as though the Sentra as we know it, is no more!
Be on the look-out for the Versa SE-R!
While you look out for that, I am actively exploring other car manufacturers...
If Nissan wants to not lose all of it's aging Gen X audience they had better hurry up and offer a 4 cyl. turbo in a sporty and inexpensive platform. I won't hold my breath for fear of asphyxiation.