The ve when tuned correctly will take a good amount of boost. At the same time the E85 is a great alternative to race gas and keeps the combustion temps down. The car with a log would have still made right around 400whp imo, despite what everyone says, it can work. It may not be as efficient as a tubular but the myths that it can't work with a ve are just that..... myths. Keep up the good work in SoFlo. Everything that comes out of your camp is done right and is kept simple. It makes power and keeps the cost and complexity down. You guys pay attention to the things that are important to a vehicle running well... The right combination of parts, the importance of tuning and when you run into numbers that don't seem right you don't just say that it needs a better manifold or throw more parts at it. You troubleshoot why you aren't getting what you should, fix it and re-dyno. Your camp does things the right way and I just want you to know that I appreciate what you do for the sr community. The way you guys run E85 to make safe power is also another key that not enough people are doing. I wish it were more easily available up here at a pump. Maybe soon enough I hope. Keep up the good work and keep pumping out these numbers Gio and crew!
Thank you, I lowered the timing from 5200 Rpms on up 1-3 degrees in certain areas from what I would run on a de bottom end. Still made good power without being aggressive with timing.
3years ago I was running a log manifold and a smaller Intercooler. The car was making 447 whp at 20-21 psi.
Was easily a 132-133 mph car. Thanks for the kind words.
-I also tested pump gas and watermeth at about 20psi on the street ran good but never got a chance to Dyno but ran great.i will test once i purchase the aem watermeth failsafe 30-3020
I will eventually test it on the Dyno and compare e-85 vs water meth.

E85 And a good tuner does wonders. Gio was this a manifold like Manny had? protech long runner log. That is a real simple setup making good power.
Thank you, the manifold I'm using is this one.a customer bought it from someone and they did not like the runners crappy merge so I worked out a deal to get it. Not a pretty merge at all but I guess it's working, I spent a few hours smoothing and porting it.

Last edited by gio94sr20ve
on 2013-04-24
at 00-19-51.