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I'm not sure which cert they want. I just remember reading a thread on Zilvia where the guy wanted the warranty work for his turbo. The guy told him he needed a copy of the mechanics ASE cert along with the receipt. Hoops have to be jumped through.
An ASE master technician is just one who posses all of the ase classes of whatever style mechanic they are ( diesel, auto, etc).
I wouldnt think an engine repair ase would mean anything to them as turbos arent covered in this test. Probably the engine perf ase. Thats the test with all of your sensors, 5 gas analysis, volumetric efficiency, afr's and such are covered. I remember in my school books at the college i went to the turbo charger and supercharger chapter was only 2 pages long. Compared to most other chapters being 8-15 pages long. Haha very brief read through. Barely touched the surface on forced induction