I think i may have figured a few things out. All latency is, is the void blast off time in rom editor. Larger injectors have larger latencies.
ttp min is the pulsewidth minimum
ttp max is the max
boost under the fuel map is the tp fuel
boost under the ig map is tp timing
both of these are just scales that incorporate a few different things such as maf, fuel, timing, basically the load on the motor.
I edited the bin you sent me a little better "from what I'm understanding" I'll try it out as soon as i get off work tom.
the thing with all these bins we are getting is the fact that people are just changing the k value and sending it to you saying "that should work" When in reality it's probably not even close. Granted the k value may be right but you have to change the other parameters along with it. Larger injectors are harder to change in a bin than the maf...that's for sure. Still pretty simple though...I think (I'll find out tom.) Larger injectors have a longer pulswidth than smaller ones. Stay open longer. 740's will have 2x the pulsewidth of 370's...make sense?