Originally Posted by
I see that Shawn hasn't posted on a while and I hope that he's alright. Does anyone know what work was done to get that radiator further in towards the support? I'm guessing it's only up top, but is it further in in the bottom as well?
I'm fine. Thanks for asking.
I'll look at the bottom of the radiator tomorrow and let you know. I *think* it got moved both top and bottom. Outside of a bit of paint, it's very cleanly done.
Jamie and I have not been in touch since October 2016, nor will we correspond further per my decision.
He refused to honor his commitment to me that he made in May 2016, to come down to Louisiana in the fall and fix my car. Come fall, he insisted that I had to ship him the car ($1,000.00 +/-), and then he would cover the rest on his end. The finances are not the issue with Jamie and/or I (plane tickets vs shipping a vehicle, incidental parts, etc....) and never have been. His reasoning is that he wanted enough time to do it right, and was unwilling to spend the time to make things with me right if he had to make two (2) weekend trips to LA to get the job done.
We discussed it more than enough. We are at an impasse and as far as I am concerned, our friendship is no more. If it ever was.
That pretty much ends the story.
I have not posted since Jamie and I last spoke/texted because I have been too upset. Got a wild hair today, and figured I owed you guys an update.
My Classic will stay in my shop, get gently driven every two weeks, get plugged back into its battery charger.
When I have my disposable/entertainment finances back in order, it will go to another long-term forum member to get fixed and professionally tuned.