Maybe you would have not got a snid,condescending email from him,had you called him(justin) and discussed the situation with him prior to sending Mark a threatening email.
Really? After the detailed posts, your takeaway is Shawn should have called Justin?
And that would have done exactly what? Would it have un-fucked his engine bay? Would it have made the tune all better? Would it have made me want to drive the car like I stole it?
Yeah. A call would make it all better.
Shawn's definitely at fault here.
Or MAYBE they should have done the job right on the second go round. You know, after Merliss drove it back to Connecticut with a punch list of items to be fixed. Items that should not have existed. If it were done right the first time, Shawn would have driven it directly home from the convention, an instead of this barrel of monkeys post, he would have made a "OH MY GOD, MY CAR IS AWESOME, AND MARSH TUNING ARE THE BOMB" thread. Nobody wanted that reality more than Shawn.
He didn't ask for this.
He didn't pay for this.
And he damn sure doesn't deserve this.
Close your eyes, and close your ears if you so choose. But realize this: This thread WILL make a difference in how the community perceives Marsh Tuning.
Last edited by Chriscar
on 2015-09-24
at 04-14-38.