Text message response from Jer_760
That lying piece if shit is getting on my last nerve, I pm'd him that night and signed I. The forum to pm'd just fucking calling me a thief, liar, scammer, all this bs. Saying that the shocks are blown now after he has been racing on them for over a month! I have the fucking receipt from way back when I got them rebuilt here, I threw them on the car so the car would be supported by something off of jack stands in the driveway when I got them back. I left them where they put them after they took them apart and just put them on the car without adjusting cause I wasn't gonna drive it. So they say there in the car for how ever many months until I got the agx's to put on. So they had no fucking miles on them after I got them back. So obviously he fucked them up someway, somehow, and now wants me to pay for them? And thinks that badmouthing, talking shit and calling me scammer and shit is going to bully me into paying for his fuck up, whatever it was? He's fucking crazy and a POS for trying to fuck me after I even offered him any of the spare b14 parts I had since he had to deal with that bidding war and me trying to refund his money for the other guy. Now I wish I would have just fucking sold to the other guy, then I wouldn't be getting attempted raped. I haven't been able to get on the forum since I pm'd him back, either forum for that matter. He just called me about an hour ago (the first time he has ever tried contacting my phone since the purchase) which I can prove by cell records, but I'm working. I just got this job and not about to fuck it up by having my ringer on and talking on the fuckin phone. You can post this wherever he posted if you want to cause I don't know if I will be able to get on there or not, I had to cut the Internet off until I get paid from here. Makes me fucking sick that someone is trying to fuck me after selling on the forums for ten plus years without one bad feedback. Hell I don't know how many times I have gone to a junkyard to get parts for someone who couldn't find them locally at their junkyard and pulled them from the cars in the middle of summer. Did that for budsang1 on a few occasions. I'm about to text him right now and tell him I can't call him back until I get off work. I don't know what the point will be though, he's already made his mind up on fucking me until I pay for his fuck up, then being left with parts I can no longer sell anymore to get that money back because of whatever he did in that month of racing. Like ksports are known for being reliable....I can't fucking help that, I know for a fact they were good when I sent them, which leaves only one explanation.....
He should have done research on them beforehand if he didn't want a bouncy pos Chinese coil over setup. This fuckin makes me sick to my stomach