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Sweet holy mother of god. I remember when Shawn would have responded with something close to 4chan bullying lol. Damn near made me leave the forum a few times but it also made me stop being so f'in stupid thus, over time, becoming an actual usefull member lol. The times are a changin!
1) Therapy. Over a decade with my current shrink.
2) Happy pills. Two (2) pills twice a day.
3) Not unleashing Mr. Hyde and going savage several times a week at work. Thinking every single time I left for work "Tonight is a fine night to die" while loading a flashlight, handcuffs, and two (2) folding tactical knives to my belt.
I'm still a work in progress, but I am improving.
I had a ball-joint snap on my 1968 Volvo while in high school. Back in 1980. When the joint snapped the control arm dug into the asphalt. I was doing about 40-mph. The control arm on the drivers side digging into the asphalt caused my vehicle to swing into the oncoming lane, leaving a scar in the road surface that was 60-feet long and a few inches wide. Steering did nothing, brakes did nothing I could discern.
Luckily there was no oncoming vehicles. I checked my undies (clean), and then flipped on the flashers and walked home. The vehicle was absolutely unmovable.
That is basically what happens if your control arm (ball joint) fails.