What kind of vibrations? Maybe the pulley for the a/c compressor is not balanced well? I can't imagine a way that motor mounts would degrade enough in a week to where they would no longer mask the issue. In general, stronger/solid motor mounts would transmit more vibrations to the cabin because they there is more of a connection between the motor and chassis.
An unusual amount of oscillation when the compressor kicks in (showed about 2 years ago all of a sudden; or about 6 years vehicle age). Mostly shows up when in D, idling (i.e. at a red light). Oscillation goes away when put in N.
I figure that the whole engine/mount system is simply resonating at the drive idling RPM range due to the compressor being whack. Changing the motor mounts must have tweaked the resonant frequency; but after being "worn in" for a week, the resonation came back.
Anyway, that's all a tangent -- I was just wondering if there might have been a common element wearing down the motor mounts and the dampers (that may be true, if it is simply lots of road roughness chewing the vehicle up).