I just installed new Cv axles in the car last week. It appears from what my friend said who is working on the car for me that my strut is hitting my boot when turning on inclines or going over speed bumps. I just got the car so I don't know who installed the K sports on here at all. I'm in the process of gathering a new set up but I need to see if I can fix this in the meantime. Here are a couple photos

Its only the passenger side that seems lower than the drivers. Also here is a shot of the top which is way off tilt compaired to the drivers

If I adjust that to make it somewhat straight like the drivers would that fix my problem? Also was reading the suspension thread great read Btw, that the lower the car the more of an angle the CV joint will be. So turning the wheel on an incline I seems its catching the boot.
thanks for reading

Its only the passenger side that seems lower than the drivers. Also here is a shot of the top which is way off tilt compaired to the drivers

If I adjust that to make it somewhat straight like the drivers would that fix my problem? Also was reading the suspension thread great read Btw, that the lower the car the more of an angle the CV joint will be. So turning the wheel on an incline I seems its catching the boot.
thanks for reading