I don't appreciate you making it seem like OEM made something that I wanted and now I am to blame. If a company advertises professionally done work, then it is the company's job to deliver the goods. If they feel they have the technical know-how to deliver a product is their own call to make. But when the product does not get made correctly, I also don't agree with the buyer needing to pay to remedy a situation which should have been avoided altogether. The communication breakdown was not on my end because anyone can vouch for me on this forum that communicating with someone I am buying from or selling to is something I take seriously. If it falls on OEM for lack of knowledge, then fine. I admit to not having the knowledge to make CSKs, because if I did, I would have done them myself and avoided paying someone to do it for me. Who one here would pay for something to be made incorrectly? Who would pay when it can be done on their own?
Agreed 100%.
If any company is advertising CSK's, then they damn sure should know exactly what combinations of Koni inserts go into what housings to work on a B13, B14, B15. They should also know exactly how much to shorten, if necessary, each of those housings. And they should know where to put the spring perch based on the clients choice of springs.
That is what you are actually paying for. Expertise. And I am willing to pay, and pay well, for expertise. No problems with that whatsoever.

Lastly, Shawn B, I have lots of respect for you. I am not sure if you felt I was placing blame or responsibility onto your shoulders. If so, I apologize
I never thought that in the first place. It has been brought up in this thread, but I never had that notion.
Nor do I take any offense when The Suspension Thread needs to be revised, edited, or updated. If someone has better or more information/expertise, or information that supercedes previous information, then I want to hear about it.

0% OEM's fault, 0% Phor's fault and 100% Shawn B's fault..
(getting flame suite on)

Shit, that is the story of my life.....

They know what's going on. They are in this thread beginning at post #7.
Yessir. And while I like Mark and full appreciate "custom" anything for our old platforms, I would have expected a more pro-active approach in this instance.