Helmholtz it is....
kinda.... the principle is Helmholtz resonance... that is correct
but being sneaky
... that is just the description....
NOT why I want to know?? :stoneface: so.... WHY do I want to know this?
Hint: it has to do with camshaft selection, and powerband
Now... does anyone have this measurement? :???:
Sam... I have no exp on the intake... so I can't really lend an opinion there... but the exhaust LOOKS very good... have you, your porter used a flowbench to determine HOW GOOD? Any photos of the short radius??

but being sneaky

NOT why I want to know?? :stoneface: so.... WHY do I want to know this?
Hint: it has to do with camshaft selection, and powerband
Now... does anyone have this measurement? :???:
Sam... I have no exp on the intake... so I can't really lend an opinion there... but the exhaust LOOKS very good... have you, your porter used a flowbench to determine HOW GOOD? Any photos of the short radius??
Last edited by oldeskewltoy
on 2014-10-15
at 20-17-41.