I think you did a fine job. But I just don't like the idea that well. It's all right. Whatever the shirt ends up looking like... I'll get one of i can make it to the convention
I like what the local Subaru club did with there shirts. Camo style with the dog tag on the back showing all the sponsors. The silver has a shiny metallic sheen.
Originally Posted by turbotank I believe these are the Sr20 powers cars that made it to the US. Other wise we would have s chassis also
So? The forum has members outside the US and S Chassis with SR swaps. Its SR20-FORUM not B Chassis forum. Not trying to be nasty just raising a point is all...
I agree buddy, I'm taking my s14 to the convention. I'm not in charge so my opinion doesn't matter. But I'm just guessing since its held in the US, then the shirt reps cars that came to the US with the Sr20 engine. I can easily add a s13,s14