OK so I've never been racing before. I'm not too far from summit and I do plan on hading out there before the convention. What do I need to do to get qualified to run solo?
It's a not a simple breakdown of what you need to be qualified. It's highly dependent on your instructor input/review, your ability, your progression in addition to a multitude of other factors and it doesn't just happen over one event (atleast not in the SCCA sanctioned events I have been to). This especially applies if you have ZERO track experience.
This applies to any official HPDE/PDX/Performance sanctioned driving event. The convention however, I personally cannot comment on (that is for Madtec to do as he is going through all the proper channels and will have more information on the Convention and how the event will eb ran).

Last edited by Boostlee
on 2014-10-10
at 19-39-06.