As previously mentioned, Friday June 7th from 6 pm - 11 pm we will participate in Atlanta Dragway in Commerce's Test and Tune for $20 per driver. We here at SR2013 were not satisfied with that, so we are pleased to announce "A Day at the Drags". We have secured the track from 12 noon - 5 pm for the exclusive use of US!!!!! Gates will be open at 9 am, so we have time to set up in the best spots and we get to keep them thru the night. We also get hospitality suites 101 & 102 for the entire day through closing at 11 pm, so there will be a place to cool off if needed.
We are going to have to prepay for the full day track use, please sign up as soon as possible. Our per driver cost is only $40, and includes entry for the evening Test n Tune. Use the same PayPal address as for convention track day [EMAIL="hpynole@gmail.com"]hpynole@gmail.com[/EMAIL] Please make your payment $41.50 to cover fees, or send as a gift. Manny and nsusammyeb you get the early in bonus LOL.
Last edited by happynole
on 2013-02-03
at 02-10-45.
Reason: added fees