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I get what you guys are saying.......its mainly because I didn't wanna use up 4-5 vaca days for tha trip.I travel alot on my own these dayz and that would have taken time away from another trip out of the country or family reunion.....btw, I have 3 family reunions a year alone.Not to make excuses........but I feel like being there would not have mattered anyways, I'm kinda lika newb in this community, but with seniority.I'm no gear head......I make no impact here ;-/ Im willing to learn but don't have tha time. I'm jus a pay master when it comes to these cars......not much respect for my kind here. But next year I will make an effort to attend with or without my ride ;-)
It's not like that at the convention. There's certainly a lot of technical conversations and wrenching going on, but no one is going to shun you because you don't know something or make fun of you because you're not an expert wrench. Shawnb and I are perfect examples of that. The convention is more about getting to know the people involved and having good times with them. If you're passionate about cars you'll fit in, don't sweat it. Hell, we even let Cliffy play with us in his Dixie Chopper, I mean Subaru.