Originally Posted by
Chap where did you buy your piping?
I buy all vibrant bends, perfect for welding, and work awesome

Originally Posted by
rob, try ebay. i did all my ic piping from ebay, just get whatever size you need, cut it, fab it up, tape up were it needs to be welded and take to a welder.
Fuck that noise, those kits are hit or miss, 80% of the time miss and suck to weld, really thin...when they polish the stuff it makee a mess with the tig...my buddy did something for kyle-ser or w/e it is, his piping looks great but its thin and dirty as fuck, was a bitch to weld, had to grind and clean the shit out of it to get it to weld good and not chatter and make a huge mess
WoW thats a low blow, dude purchased what Jun told him to basically...and was showed garbage by the retarded engine builder, then those 2 variables couplered with the shitty tuner he was directed towards didnt help either