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Thread: overheating

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2011-05-08 20:29:44
ok so i just fixed my previous overheating problem which was due to a fan that stopped working. had to change the radiator because when it overheated it put a hole through the top. so it has new fans and a radiator. but now it's still overheating after a little while.

the first time it started doing this was when the AC was on. so i figured ok don't run the AC and it was fine for about 3 weeks. but now it's overheating again.
I'm thinking it might be the water pump? ran the car for a little while and the fans are working fine during this and the water in the resivor is boiling.

also what would be wrong with the AC to cause it to overheat as well?

thanks in advance guys
2011-05-08 21:24:45
Does it have a radiator leak still, maybe somewhere else? A hose or something?
2011-05-08 21:41:50
hmm i didn't see a leak anywhere. i'll try checking the hoses. i do notice the fluid a little low and i have to refill it but i never see puddles anywhere. i always thought it was evaporated out of the resivor due to boiling.
2011-05-09 05:59:20
just thought of something if anyone can verify. when i replaced one of my fans they gave me the driver side fan when my pasenger side broke. i just shruged it off and made it fit. would that have anything to do with it? they blow air away from the radiator but i'm wondering if one side is suppose to blow air through it and the other away.
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