Im in a pissed off mood. That scratched up header seller is giving me a problem. He wants me to send it back, and wait the week and a half for it to get back to him, and then the week and a half to re send me out one...I dont have that kind of freaking time to wait for it. I am going to be doing my exhaust this weekend or next weekend, i dont have almost 3 weeks to wait for another header which he is tryign to say was damaged in shipping from fed ex. I was / am (since on workers comp) a fed ex driver. Theres NO damage to the box, this was damage done before it was boxxed, someone didnt care threw the scratched up header into the box and shipped it out to me. All i told him is i want the 20 bucks of shipping refunded to me, and hes like NO YOU MUST RETURN IT I WILL NOT GIVE MONEY BACK. So im trapped, i got a scratched to shit header that looks like it was dragged in its plastic across concrete to put on my car to finish my exhaust so my car runs better, or wait weeks upon weeks for me to get another one, and take the chance that hes not going to fuck me over and actually ship me it back. Im not paying full price for a damaged item, but im not shipping it back and letting him put a damage claim in with fed ex when theirs no way it got damaged in shipping, and was quality control on their end not catching the damage.
Hell i wouldnt be suprised if this was the guys plan all along, send a damaged product, blame fed ex, get fed ex to have to pay for the damaged item and then ship me out another one and get 2 payments worth of money for one header. Ive seen so many people do shit like that being a fed ex driver trying to screw the system.